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Provincial Program Director

PPIU Bagmati Province conducted a one-day Provincial Coordination Committee(PCC) meeting

PPIU Bagmati Province conducted a one-day Provincial Coordination Commi


Executive Summary of Report
The Provincial and Local Governance Support Programme (PLGSP) is the national flagship Programme of the Government of Nepal (GoN) to build institutional, organizational and individual capacity at all levels of government, with special focus on the provincial and local levels. The ultimate goal of the Programme is to attain functional, sustainable, inclusive and accountable provincial and local governance. The Programme aims to contribute in delivery of quality services at provincial and local levels, promote local development and enhance economic prosperity. This report covers the progress for the period of 16 July 2021 to 15 July 2022.

Progress in the reporting period has improved compared to previous two fiscal years. The noteworthy progress includes start of IPF implementation, GESI/audits completed and endorsed GESI strategies in LGs, training of LGs officials and elected representatives in various thematic areas, the roll out of FRA and orientation of LGs on MTEF and the preparation of PIS system for PG. Progress against each of the planned activities is described in the text.

Key achievements of the reporting period have been summarized as follows:

PCU Level

  • Third Party Monitoring of PLGSP has been completed and recommendations have been incorporated while developing ASIP 2022 - 2023. The next round of third party monitoring is underway and the first draft report is due for completion.
  • The MTR of PLGSP completed and a comprehensive MTR report prepared in a wider consultation has been received.  The report has been concluded with six main recommendations for the remaining period of the programme including implementation modality, planning & budgeting, outcome-1, use of TA, sectoral service and holistic ID/OD. A process of stakeholder consultation and reprogramming of PLGSP for the future is initiated.
  • 5 different guidelines have been prepared for local governments.
  • 4 different model laws have been prepared for the local governments.
  • 17 training modules have been developed for PCGG.
  • Personal Information System (PIS) for provincial government has been developed, and is ready to hand over.IT support has continued in all 753 LGs.
  • SUTRA rolled out in all 753 LGs.
  • IT, GESI, PFM experts, along with government officials, have been trained to enhance their capacities.
  • PCU has supported PCGGs to conduct orientation to newly-elected representatives of the local governments.
  • 66 resource persons have been trained (MToT) on MTEF, to be mobilized by PCGG.  

Province - PCGGs

  • 213 LGs have prepared their Revenue Improvement Action Plan (RIAP).
  • 424 LGs have completed their GESI Audit.
  • 439 LGs have prepared their GESI Strategy.
  • 36 LGs have implemented code of conduct on workplace sexual harassment.
  • 165 LGs have prepared capacity development (CD) plan.
  • 65 LGs have prepared their periodic plan.
  • 509 LGs have been orientated on MTEF.
  • 17 LGs have implemented an internal control system.
  • 699 LGs have implemented LISA.
  • 525 LGs have conducted FRA and 312 LGs uploaded the findings in the online portal.
  • 89 LGs have implemented accountability tools.
  • Province-1 has passed PCGG Act by the provincial assembly.
  • 2 PCGGs have prepared master/business plan.
  • Total 38,551 (F – 9,658) officials and elected representatives of the PLGs have been trained on different thematic areas. By ethnicity, participants were 17.1% Janjati, 11.2% Madheshi, 7.4% Dalit, 1.3% Muslim and 63% others.

Province - PPIUs

  • Information system of PG ministries have been strengthened in all provinces.
  • Provincial Coordination Committee meetings have been conducted in all seven provinces.
  • 2 provinces have started the Hello CM (grievances handling system).
  • 26 laws have been drafted by the provincial government.
  • PGs have prepared 2 model laws for LGs.
  • Lumbini province has prepared SDG localization guidelines for provincial governments.
  • Five Provinces have prepared and endorsed their Fiduciary Risk Assessment guidelines and conducted orientation on provincial FRA procedure to PG’s officials.
  • 8 ministries at provinces have conducted GESI audit.
  • Provincial Coordination Committee meetings have been conducted in all seven provinces.
  • IPF implementation guidelines have been prepared and approved by NSC.
  • 57 IPF projects are being implemented. Of the total budget 1352.452 million, 14% has been spent in the reporting period which is 41% of the total budget released by provinces to the IPF implementing agencies.

The reporting period also marks some major learning, including the creation of PLGs’ websites with regular updates which have raised citizens’ awareness regarding budgets, expenditure, programme and priorities. Quality assurance mechanisms at province and federal level has been a vital initiative while pursuing the consulting service to deliver programme outputs. Furthermore, focused/targeted interventions through GESI audit, Gender Responsive Budgeting, GESI strategy has also worked very well to mainstream and institutionalize GESI in the plan and policy of the provincial and local governments.

The programme also continued to face some issues/challenges including low ownership of the programme at the provincial and local level, low financial delivery (though increased in the reporting period compared to the previous two years), legislating for PCGGs and re-structuring the existing LDTA and strengthening the relationship among the three levels of government.

The total budget of the Annual Work Plan (AWP) for 2021/22 was NPR 3386.950m including NPR 2919.500m JFA, 37.200m GoN, and 430.250m TA. Against the total budget, NPR 1730. 273 million (51.08 %) was utilized as of the end of F.Y. 2021/22. Similarly, under the TA, 55.51 % of the total planned budget (NPR 430.250 million) was spent during the reporting period. Of the total expenditure, NPR 479.640245m (27.72 %) was spent on GESI-related activities including both in dedicated outputs and others as cross cutting measures in TA and JFA.

Institutionalizing various systems, policies, strategies, guidelines and tools delivered by the programme so far, implementing IPF in full compliance to the operational guidelines, capacity development of individual PLGs officials and elected representatives with a focus on newly-elected representatives, implementing MTR recommendation, monitoring and quality assurance and increasing the financial delivery are the key priorities, among others, for the next fiscal year.

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सूचना प्रविधि अधिकृतको सेवा करार सम्बन्धमा (आ. व. २०८१/८२)

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श्री स्थानीय तह (सबै),

Provincial Program Manager
Provincial Program Director
Administrative Officer (Information Officer)
National Programme Director

सुदुरपश्चिम प्रदेश- सफलताका कथा/असल अभ्यास तथा सिकाईहरु

PLGSP ले तय गरेका लक्ष्य हासिल गर्नका लागि विभिन्न चौध वटा प्रतिफल अन्तरगत विविध क्रियाकलापहरू सञ्चालित छन्

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