RFP and TOR for Preparing Working Procedures to Develop Capacity Development Plan for LGs
RFP and TOR has been issued for procurement of consultant to Prepare Working Procedures to Develop Capacity
RFP and TOR has been issued for procurement of consultant to Prepare Working Procedures to Develop Capacity
नेपाल सरकार, सङ्घीय मामिला तथा सामान्य प्रशासन मन्त्रालय अन्तर्गत चालु आर्थिक वर्ष २०७६/०७७ बाट प्रदेश तथा
Two days technical training and orientation on website has been provided to officials of provincial governm
The PLGSP invites Expression of Interest for the purpose of shortlisting the qualified, eligible and experi
PCGG of Province 2 conducted 1-day Review and Orientation programme on LISA in participation of District Co
नेपाल सरकार, सङ्घीय मामिला तथा सामान्य प्रशासन मन्त्रालय अन्तर्गत चालु आर्थिक वर्ष २०७६/०७७ बाट प्रदेश तथा
Chaubise Rural Municipality is located in the south-eastern region of Dhankuta district.
संघीय संसद राष्ट्रिय सभाको आयोजना, लुम्बिनी प्रदेश सरकारको समन्वय र संघीय मामिला तथा सामान्य प्रशासन मन्त्र
पूर्ण प्रस्ताव आह्वानको सचना (सूचना प्रकाशित मिति : २०७९/०१/०४)