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Submitted by province1 on 8 July 2023

A one-day workshop on Provincial Prosperity indicators and discussion on thematic areas has been completed in the presence of the Province Chief Minister Hikmat Kumar Karki. Provincial Ministers, Province assembly members, Speakers, Province Ministries Secretary, and other stakeholders were present at the event. The main objective of the workshop was to facilitate the Province government's Province Planning Commission in preparation for the upcoming five-year Periodic Plan since the time period of the first periodic is near to end and the preparation for the second five-year periodic plan has been initiated. Prof Dr. Shiva Adhikari facilitated the overall technical and open discussion session, where he presented the Koshi Province's current status and its socio-economic possibilities which could directly contribute to the Province's Prosperity Indicators based on Clean-Happy and Prosperous Province. Participants from different stakeholders presented their views on the presentation and provided the necessary feedback for the provincial government in prioritizing the key areas for the overall development of the Koshi Province.

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