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Submitted by plgspadmin on 3 August 2022

Orientation Programme on the Internal Control System

29-30 October,2021

Two-day orientation programme on the internal control system, 29-30 October was organized in the Bhairahawa Rupendehi. The objective of the programme was to enhance capacity of officials of provincial ministries and offices to prepare and implement internal control system guideline as prescribed in the Limbini Province; Fiscal Procedure Act 2074, Fiscal Procedure and Financial Accountability Act 2076. Other specific objective of the programme was to increase efficiency and effectiveness of the public expenditure, reliability of financial reports and compliance of existing Act, regulation, rules, procedures and directives. The programme also aimed to sensitize on the internal audit issues, audit arrear and final audit. The programme was organized in close coordination with the province treasury comptroller office. The Programme was chaired by Secretary of OCMCM and PPD of PLGSP Dr. Khagendra Prasad Subedi and the chief guest was Principal Secretary of OCMCM, Mr. Dilli Ram Sharma. The welcome remarks and objective of the programme was shared by Hari Narayan Kurmi, PFME of PLGSP then Mr.Kaman Singh Thapa Magar put his inaugural remarks to all participants and highlighted on the importance of the programme. Principal Secretary, Mr. Dilli Ram Sharma put is view on the programme and insisted on the compliance which ensure for the economy, efficiency, effectiveness and compliance. He also shared that OCMCM disseminated secretary level meeting’s decision to all provincial Ministries and Offices to prepare and implement internal control guideline. He said that, this programme will provide extra mileage to prepare and implement internal control system guideline at the provincial level. He also shared that the internal control system guideline is in the framework of COSO framework and INTOSAI. He requested to all participants have a look on the internal control guideline 2075 circulated by Financial Comptroller General Office which will provide knowledge and guidance to prepare internal control system. He committed to prepare standard internal control guideline for the province level and thematic Ministries and offices will contextualize as per its nature of work.

Likewise, Dr. Khagendra Prasad Subedi, Secretary/ PPD put his remarks and focused on the Regularity, Economy, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Relevancy and value for money of the public funds. He expressed that the programme will help to ensure value for money and maintain financial discipline rather than documentation. He requested all participants to participate in the programme actively by making it interactive. He also committed for the necessary support from the OCMCM to maintain financial and administrative discipline in the province. At last, he wished to success of the orientation programme and expected for the active participation of the participants.

The main course contents of the orientation programme were; concept, Meaning of Internal Control system Legal Basis of Internal Control system, Components of Internal Control System, Internal Control system framework and its implementation basis, Fiscal procedure and financial accountability Act 2076 and Regulation 2077, Internal Audit and Internal Control System, External and Final Audit, Audit arrear, Reasons for not clearing audit arrear. The programme was interactive and participants were actively participated in the programme. Total 20 participants (20 male) were participated in the orientation.