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Submitted by plgspadmin on 29 July 2022

As soon as the constitution of Nepal established the Three layers government and federalism, the laws including the Provincial  Government Operation Act 2074 have been formulated and implemented. After the establishment of the Federal Democratic Republic in the country, the Government of Nepal needs to develop the capacity and development capacity of its level by supporting development, prosperity and socio-economic transformation to fulfill the current resolution of "Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepalis"..

While conducting capacity building activities, training on public procurement and financial management has been conducted at the state level, achieving sustainable development goals by incorporating aspects of economic well-being, transparency, accountability and participation. The program was inaugurated by the Executive Director of the Center for Good Governance(PCGG) and the chief guest was the Principal Secretary. The program was conducted for 4 days.

The program was attended by 18 employees of various departments including the ministries. The program was concluded by Dr. Kamal Pokhrel, Secretary to the Office of the Chief Minister and Council of Ministers and Bashudev Joshi, Provincial Comptroller of Accounts in the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General.