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The 6th meeting of the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the Provincial and Local Governance Support Programme (PLGSP) convened on 26 MAy 2022, under the chair of Dr Suresh Adhikari, Secretary of the Ministry of Federal Affairs and General Administration (MoFAGA), Government of Nepal (GON).

The minute of the 6th NEC Meeting is attached herewith, which includes: Decisions of 6th NEC Meeting (also listed below), Discussion and suggestions from the participants (in Annex I), and List of the participants of (in Annex-2).

Decisions of 6th NEC Meeting

  1. NEC noted progress against the actions since the last NEC meeting (26 November 2021).
  2. NEC received the presentation and noted progress on Programme delivery.
  3. The NEC took note of the guiding principles, strategies and approaches adopted to formulate the ASIP 2022/23. The Committee also appreciated the PCU's efforts to coordinate with and seek inputs from PLGs, as well as other key stakeholders in the formulation process of the ASIP 2022/23. Acknowledging the important feedback and suggestions received from the members in the NEC meeting, the Committee approved the ASIP 2022/2023, provided that comments from DPs and other members of the Committee will be further included in the final ASIP 2022/23 and present the final ASIP to the NSC to review and endorse.
  4. NEC welcomed and received the independent MTR Report and its recommendations and recommended that a presentation be made to NSC at their next meeting.
  5. NEC instructed PCU to set up a Joint Task Group consisting representatives from UNTA, MOFAGA, DPs and PCU to develop an action plan and process for the full consultation and engagement with all relevant stakeholders, including DPs, OCMCMs and PLGs, to agree necessary changes to PLGSP to address the MTR

Discussion and suggestion from the participants, and the list of attendees/ representatives of 6th NEC Meeting are in the Annex 1 & 2 respectively

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