With the aim to review the performance of the ongoing Innovative Partnership Fund (IPF) projects and discuss the way forward, a review workshop on IPF has been conducted in Dhulikhel, Kavre. The workshop held on 22-23 February 2023, was chaired by Mr. Krishna Hari Pushkar, Secretary of MoFAGA, co-charied by Mr. Balaram Rijyal, National Program Director of PLGSP and facilitated by Mr. Hemraj Aryal, National Program Manager of PLGSP.
The review workshop focuced on reviewing the performance of IPF projects being conducted and how the future activities could be implemented more effectively and efficiently, and making LGs more accountable, inclusive, efficient and effective in delivering IPF services to their citizens by strengthening their individual and institutional capacities in designing and implementing innovation in the areas of governance, service delivery and local economic development.
The inauguration ceremony held on 22nd February, 2023 which was initiated with self-introduction. The chief guest and the chair of the workshop, secretary of MoFAGA kindled opening with reading the digital banner and ceremony started with national anthem within all dignities and participants. National Program Manager/Under Secretary Mr.Hemraj Aryal had initiated for the master of ceremony and delivered a speech on event schedule followed by the felicitation of all the dignitaries. National Program Director/Joint Secretary Mr.Balaram Rijyal highlighted the objective of this review program and also encouraged the participants to make the use of event platform to be creative in every aspect of Innovative way. Chief Guest/Secretary of MoFAGA Mr. Krishna Hari Puskar started his speech with his introduction and programs aimed for the latest development of MoFAGA. He addressed the participants regarding the review method through spiritual component, professional component, productivity component, capacity development and sustainability issues. He has shared the bitter experiences of some of the development practices in Madhesh Province and also emphasized on public expression, cultural value, social value and their local economic development. He also addressed on leadershipness, customize modality and be aware with intellectual fantasy. Official inaugural session was ended by unwrapping for schedule presentation programs.
NPM/Under Secretary Mr. Hem Raj Aryal delivered a speech on the topic of presentation outline to the upcoming provincial presenter. He has discussed about the various practices to be followed that ensures that a process, Implementation mechanism, monitoring quality assurance mechanism-feedback/improvement, scheme wise status as-cost expenditure , expected beneficiaries , percent progress etc.; issues /challenge , key learnings , ways forward, implementation/completion plan of IPF for the remaining period of the current fiscal year)of physical and financial.
Provincial officials and representatives presented progress update of IPF activities in respective provinces and shared achievement made of physical and financial progress, monitoring mechanism, issues/challenges, key learning, success stories and way forward action plan was presented and followed by the open discussion. Similarly, all participating LGs also presented progress and challenges of their IPF implementation.
Finally, the workshop concluded with collection of feedback on the IPF guideline for future improvement. The participants were grouped on the basis of section of existing guideline. The collected feedback are compiled in the detailed report available at: https://plgsp.gov.np/node/510.